55 research outputs found

    Health and safety at work: the prevention model in Italy. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 408/2020

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    A research itinerary aimed at clarifying the substantive content and the type of prevention that shapes the rules for the protection of health and safety of workers in the Italian legal system. The focus will be on the difference between primary and secondary prevention in the warranty of fundamental right

    Primo e secondo welfare: il contrasto della debolezza sociale oggi = First and second welfare: the contrast of social weakness today. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 342/2017

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    The essay takes into consideration contractual and legal welfare schemes, considered instruments to improve solidarity in social security system. The Author suggests to go beyond the context and to face nowadays challenges (in particular as regards work digitalization and fragmentation) strengthening solidarity between workers and widening the target’s extension of legal social protection

    Definire e qualificare il benessere organizzativo

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    Il saggio si propone di ricostruire sul piano logico-sistematico la categoria del benessere organizzativo come insieme di azioni che concorrono, in via integrata, a sicurezza e salute. Viene, altresì, fatta distinzione tra benessere come salute e benessere lavorativo. Sono, quindi, individuati i due pilastri che concorrono, in ottica di sistema, al benessere organizzativo: il dato collettivo e la valutazione globale dei rischi. Si tratta di una nozione che presenta varie potenzialità di sviluppo, anche sul piano delle posizioni giuridiche soggettive.The essay aims to reconstruct on a logical-systematic level the category of organizational well-being as a set of actions that contribute, in an integrated way, to safety and health. A distinction is also made between well-being as health and work well-being. There are two pillars that contribute, from a systemic point of view, to organizational well-being: the collective element and the global risk assessment. It is a notion that presents various potentialities of development, also in terms of subjective legal positions

    L'orario di lavoro nel quadro della politica sociale. Le regole europee su «taluni aspetti dell’organizzazione dell’orario di lavoro»

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    The dissertation concerns the working time: one of the most important issues of European social law. It begins with an historical excursus, taking into consideration the evolution of the relevant secondary legislation, to arrive to an analysis of the major features of the current legal order. The directive 2003/88/Ce is considered in all its aspects, but it is studied particularly in the light of the recent (in 2009 and in 2013) failures of the repeated review processes, the main points at stake being: the opt out from the 48 hours maximum weekly limit, the qualification as working time of the inactive periods of duty on call and the reconciliation of time of work with time of life. The case law of the European Court of Justice has always had, in this matter, a crucial role, and its systematic analysis constitutes an important section of the dissertation. In an ideal modern society, flexibility of working time should be conceived not only in the interest of the production but also in the interest of the worker as a person, at the point that, under certain circumstances, the latter should prevail over the former (pregnancy and parenthood in general, training and retraining programs etc.). This assumption is fundamental in the perspective of rebalancing the relationship between the employer and the employee; the principle of «the adaptation of the work to the worker» (article 13 of the WTD) should be more deeply respected and not only used «to alleviating» monotonous work or shift work. The ratio of the protection of health and safety should be as important as the aim to improve – in the text of the directive – the flexibility in favour of the worker. The central part of the thesis is dedicated to the study of working time in connection with the so called “Fiat case”: the very disputed collective agreements have imposed a seriously “questionable” aggravation of time patterns. These agreements were negotiated by the “Italian-American” automobile company with several unions and the opposition of the most representative one. The study is carried on with an especial attention to the industrial relations context, particularly in Italy. Keywords: working time social policy rules Europe orario lavoro socialità regole Europ

    Conciliazione dei tempi e continuitĂ  del servizio nella sanitĂ 

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    An itinerary of research through rules and tools of organizational flexibility and work life balance in health sector. The study reflects, firstly, on European union legislation and case law. Then, on the recent Italian collective sources of regulation, considering the progress and the possibilities of increasing the degree of work life balance by the plant level bargaining. Conclusive words stress that an optimal work life balance is difficult to achieve due to the potentially contrary relevance of the public interest in the continuity of the service, but collective bargaining represents an interesting opportunity

    Trasferimento (implicito) e salvaguardia delle esigenze di assistenza del familiare disabile a seguito di pronuncia di illegittimitĂ  del termine

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    Il commento mira a porre in luce il rapporto esistente tra esigenze datoriali di variazione della sede di adempimento/esecuzione della prestazione lavorativa ed esigenze in senso lato "personali" del lavoratore

    SanitĂ : contrattazione collettiva nazionale e profili organizzativi orari, all'epoca dell'emergenza sanitaria

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    Il contributo analizza, dopo un breve preambolo di attualizzazione relativo alla fase pandemica, la contrattazione collettiva in ambito sanitario nel prisma della flessibilitĂ  organizzativa e favorevole ai lavoratori cercando di cogliere i tratti di equilibrio e le criticitĂ 

    Sulla discriminazione collettiva per nazionalitĂ , e non solo.

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    Il commento alla pronuncia della Cassazione si propone di cogliere la sinergia sussistente tra strumenti di welfare e divieti di discriminazione, entrambi gli strumenti si configurano come rimedi contro le disuguaglianze

    Art. 28 Partecipazione delle parti sociali e delle categorie produttive alle decisioni relative alla formazione di atti dell'Unione Europea

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    Il contributo riflette sul coinvolgimento delle parti sociali nella formazione della posizione italiana su iniziative dell'Unione Europea alla luce delle nuove norme della legge 234 del 2012

    Primo e secondo welfare: il contrasto della debolezza sociale oggi

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    Il saggio analizza i fenomeni della modernitĂ  alla luce dei soggetti e degli strumenti di intermediazione per eccellenza: il sindacato e lo Stato. Mantenendo il filo conduttore della solidarietĂ , il contributo si sofferma sull'analisi degli strumenti di welfare pubblico e contrattuale
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